I have the TIAO Smart Sprinkler Board with 16 o/p s. I downloaded TIAOiSprinklerPi-1.0.0-Alpha.img file loaded to a micro SD and booted up controller. When booting up it gives me the version "Open Sprinkler HW v2.2 AC" . Everything works, I can ping it but I cannot Login. Using the Open Sprinkler App I've tried Username-Password, admin-admin, pi-raspberry, admin-opendoor, and more various combinations of these. I still cannot get into the program, Can Anyone help?
Thank You
I just tried booting up without SD card and it still boots up the same way. I need more info on the configuring of the unit, the manual tells me to load software to SD card but its not needed.
Hi, you are mixing things up.
The "TIAOiSprinklerPi-1.0.0-Alpha.img" is for Raspberry Pi version of the sprinkler controller. You have an AVR based version, so you don't need that image at all.
The default password for the AVR based controller is opendoor.
Thank you for clearing that up, however when I try to login using the app on an android phone I need to enter a name and password and I don't know what to put in the name box (tried 'Home', Tiao', Blank defaults to 'Site1'). I have tried on two Win 10 computers using Chrome and Firefox, the screen says 'Loading' then kicks out to the Login page again.
I've even tried firefox using a linux OS, how do i reload this controller or is there another way in to edit the program???
Does anyone have any suggestions.
Thank you
Found the PROBLEM!! Did a RESET now the password "opendoor" works.
default password is opendoor