jcutler wrote:
I bought the connectivity kit and it finally go here today and I hooked it up and when I switched the power on, there was a burning smell and the lights went off and I looked under the adapter and it burned up underneath the adapter. Is this common and is there anything else I can connect the xbox 360 drive to the computer with to power it. I really do not want to have to wait forever to get my order again, but I probably will not order from here again anyways.
Well, you plugged the white dvd power cable in the wrong direction. We sent you the card, which asked you to check the tutorial because you use it:
Attention: Make sure you connect the DVD power cable to the DVD adapter and DVD drive in the correct direction. One side of the DVD cable's header has a raised bar, another side is flat, make you connect them in the correct way as show in the picture below:
to DVD adapter
Attention: Do not let the DVD adapter to touch any metal object or your PC's case. Always put a book under the DVD adapter to prevent short circuit:
This is bad, it will cause short circuit