Hi all,
I own the TIAO Multi Protocol USB Adapter and I'm really happy with it.
Recently my girlfriend got a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.10 installed.
I just thought I could try to flash an ESP8266, but whoops the adapter is not recognized (as it is no problem in Linux, (Linux FTW!)).
Well the following HOW TO helped me a little bit:
But getting the driver to work in 10.10 needed some extra fixes that should be mentioned on the wiki so other users like get fast answers.
What I did to get it running:
Putting your system in kext-developer mode, because the FTDI KEXT is not signed and it seems Apple changed some signing policies in 10.10 like Microsoft did with Windows 8.
sudo nvram boot-args="debug=0x146 kext-dev-mode=1"
I also put the XML part of the HOW TO into following KEXT
and loaded it
sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleUSBFTDI.kext/
Now I have the device listed twice.
Maybe setting the kext-developer mode is not necessary, because you could put the XML part only into the Apple's KEXT.
Notice: I only tested the serial interface.
I hope I could help other people with the same problem.