is there any documentation available how to use i2c preferred with linux with this device?
The FTDI documentation is really big and what I get from the scope doesn't look like i2c at all.
I'm using the TDO/TDI pins for SDA and SCK for Clock.
According to what I see on the scope is that the SCK line outputs data and the TDO something like a clock but which uses 2 samples. (I'm trying to use bitbanging here, since I couldn't find anything related to MPSSE which can really do custom i2c requests).
the FTDI doc says
HighSpeedSetI2CStart(); //Set START condition for I2C communication
bSucceed = SendByteAndCheckACK(0xAE);
//Set control byte and check ACK bit. bit 4-7 of control byte is control code,
// bit 1-3 of „111‟ as block select bits, bit 0 of „0‟represent Write operation
bSucceed = SendByteAndCheckACK(ByteAddressHigh); //Send high address byte and check if ACK bit is received
bSucceed = SendByteAndCheckACK(ByteAddressLow); //Send low address byte and check if ACK bit is received
bSucceed = SendByteAndCheckACK(ByteDataToBeSend); //Send data byte and ch
however those things are not available in libftdi with linux
I just figured out that the MPSSE library from FTDI also contains linux drivers however the result is negative:
../../Infra/src/ftdi_infra.c:243:Init_libMPSSE(): NULL expression encountered
figured it out, just need to go through the manuals, there are many documents out there to read from ftdi.