For few days I am trying to debug STMicro based ARMs with openOCD. The issue is that I can not halt the core. The JTAG communication itself is fine.
So finally I looked at the JTAG connector pins. It appears that RESET_N pin gets stuck low. Well, when the power is applied first time it is HIGH. After I connect to the TUMPA with just the following script it goes low and stays low no matter what I do afterwards:
interface ft2232
ft2232_device_desc "TIAO USB Multi-Protocol Adapter"
ft2232_layout jtagkey
ft2232_vid_pid 0x0403 0x8A98
Most likely it is an operator error. However I am running out of ideas what I might be doing wrong.
I am about to start HW debugging. Having TUMPA schematic would be extremely helpful. Is there a way to get one? Unfortunately this link has only layout, no schematic: