volkan-k wrote:
You're right, all the jumpers. Please make sure you use correct baud-rate & correct serial port settings.
Attach the power supply's SATA power connector to the hard drive. (hard drive needs power for its board.) Turn on power to the RS232-to-TTL adapter and the hard drive.
You probably will need to power on the power supply (press your PC's power button?) to power the SATA Hard-drive.
If you are still having problem after checking these, you may be using wrong pins for TX/RX, try switching TX/RX
Thanks for the tips. Its looking like something is connected wrong or something is not setup correctly on the Tumpa hardware.
I am using a good Seagate drive to test. I am getting no command prompt from my first post link.
What about the other jumpers on the TIAO. Buffer_EN, VT-Sel, AUTO PWRDOWN. I left these to default from factory.
Is there a simple test I can do on the TIAO to make sure its working?
I read in the link if you use a different power source for the hard drive it has to share to ground with the RS232/TTL device. Well I am using an adapter that powers the hard drive. Not one from the PC. Then I plug the USB into the Laptop for the TIAO to power up.
I tried connecting the ground from the TIAO and power source for the hard drive ground together and that made no difference.