I found a good picture to follow when you are done rejoining (just for safety before turning on). Basically test for continuity for the pads circled on the SAME trace. As you can see, there a 3 light-green line traces.
Ignore the 3rd trace at the very bottom for ones circled in red/white. Use your multimeter to check if there is a path flowing for the top and middle traces using the red/black probes.
So for top trace, hold red probe at the yellow-circled pad and hold the black probe for all the other pads in the top trace. For the middle trace, hold red probe at the yellow-circled pad, and hold the black probe for the other pads (ones in orange). The multimeter SHOULD beep and/or show up a value. However, the multimeter shouldn't beep at all for the other pads residing
outside of the dark-green borders. It may show up a value though. Make sure the multimeter doesn't beep when you connect a probe to a pad in the top trace to another pad behind the dark-green borders, the same applies for the middle trace.
Anyway, please ensure you rejoin like this (EXACTLY as shown) If you cut the traces differently, then try to avoid the dark green lines with your silver glue.
Image is not to scale, be super careful.
Notice for Point A, the white line (silver glue) has not been extended past the dark-green line above. For Point B, I have not gone past the 2 dark-green lines above and below. Use the needle of your silver glue to rejoin and make sure the amount is of a tiny dot or cell. Wipe off excess amounts onto a cup, paper, or board first. If the silver glue hasn't dried yet, now is a good time to wipe off your mistakes and rejoin like what is shown in my picture. The most important thing after this is to make sure it is very dry and to not use your CK3 pogo pin cables anymore.
Also, after turning on the CK3 and comptuer, if there are any signs of smoke from the drive/CK3. Turn off your computer immediately from the power supply switch at the back. You don't have to worry about this if you rejoin like in the picture.
Steps: (Rejoining of the traces)
1. Now that you have the key, even if you screw this part up, you can just buy a new LiteOn/BenQ drive. Avoid Samsung/Hitachi. No iXtreme LT firmware on those. Remember!
The Circuit = light-green lines going to and from the pads | The Borders = dark-green lines. So be careful not to short the light-green line circuit by passing those dark-green line borders with your silver glue!
2. Basically, use a very tiny pointed object (the needle of the silver glue) and use it to wipe/patch the traces you cut with conductive glue/tape. ONLY the traces must be fixed and nothing else. The glue can get inside the circular pads if you accidentally cut near to it since they must be apart of the circuit, but try your best not to. Be sure a small amount is applied onto the trace, but avoid letting the glue spread outside of the dark-green borders). Take off excess amount of glue by wiping the needle onto a plastic cup, etc.
3. Do not spread the glue all over the place. Wipe it off immediately before it dries. Only a tiny dot of silver glue should be applied onto the light-green area where the cut is. Use the needle of the silver glue to spread it on the trace only. Be careful not to damage the needle when you touch it on the PCB. Be gentle as you apply it on the trace.
4. Once it is dried completely, see if the drive can power up by itself without help from the CK3 kit (meaning without using the red & black pogo cables).
5. If it is detected during CMOS/BIOS/POST, then you were successful and can begin flashing here -