XBOX 360 RROD Red Ring of Death Fix

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10 PCS, 10cm x 10cm, 2 layers prototype for $38.80 shipped!

DG-X360TOOL_small_1.jpg usb_v3_big_small.jpg db9_v3_small.jpg dvd-cable_thumb.jpg usb_small.jpg DG-SATAPCI-1_small_1.jpg shell_small_1.jpg file_17.jpg

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What is RROD (Red Ring of Death)?

If you are reading this page, it means you already know what RROD is. Basically, your XBOX 360 is overheated which caused some hardware failures.

These are most common symptom of RROD is freeze-up while you are playing. You can also see 1/2/3 red rings on your console:

RROD Symptom

We have developed this kit which allows you to fix the RROD problem quickly, and RROD will never come back!

This kit includes all the hardwares required to fix your RROD console, so, let's get started!

Remove the motherboard

Everyone should already know how to do it, if not, google it. We also have the opening tool for sale, with this tool, you can easily open your xbox 360:

Open the case:

Remove case

Remove DVD drive:

Remove DVD drive

Remove RF module:

Remove RF module

OK, you can safely take the motherboard out:

Take motherboard out

Remove X-Clamp

Use a flat screw driver to carefully remove 2 x-clamps on the back of the motherboard:

Remove x-clamps

X-Clamps removed:

X-Clamp removed

Closeup of the CPU and GPU. You can see the thermal compound on both units are uneven distributed, which blocked the heat distribution and caused your xbox 360 overheated.

Closeup of CPU and GPU

Closeup of the back of heat sinks:

Close up of heat sink

Close up of heat sink

DG-X360TOOL_small_1.jpg usb_v3_big_small.jpg db9_v3_small.jpg dvd-cable_thumb.jpg usb_small.jpg DG-SATAPCI-1_small_1.jpg shell_small_1.jpg file_17.jpg

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10 PCS, 10cm x 10cm, 2 layers prototype for $38.80 shipped!